Insider Advice For Bathroom Remodels: What You Should Know

No one can prepare themselves for the things that can go wrong during a bathroom remodel. There are too many factors to consider, with some of the smaller aspects slipping by even the most experienced remodelers. Don’t invest in a bathroom remodel that you’ll soon regret. Take these insider tips from the professionals at Revive Design and Renovation encompassing everything you should know beforehand for a bathroom remodel that’ll leave you breathless!

Never Ever Rush the Process! The Perfect Bathroom Takes Time

Regardless of how excited you are about a bathroom remodel, there’s no sense in getting started when you don’t have all of the details sorted out yet. Once the builders start building, there’s no stopping them. It’ll become too late to make changes and you’ll have no choice but to sit and watch them complete a bathroom that was doomed to fail from the start.

Use this time to think of everything. Honestly, no detail is too small to plan out ahead of time. For instance, you should put a lot of thought into whether you would prefer a wall-mounted or pedestal sink, or how high (or low) the cabinets should be for your comfort.

The Shower/Bathtub Area Is the Bane of Bad Decisions

Changes to the bathtub/shower area are one of the biggest choices you can make, which means it’s also one of the biggest mistakes you can make. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to completely get rid of their tub in favor of a walk-in shower just to realize that they miss defrosting in their wintertime baths. Likewise, homeowners have opted for an aesthetically pleasing standalone tub just for it to remain an oversized decorative piece and nothing more.

Shower amenities are great, but even those can go wrong in so many ways. For instance, a shower niche that is made too narrow won’t be able to hold a single bottle. Glass shower doors that aren’t aligned completely perfectly can result in leaks. These are more the fault of the contractor than the homeowner, which makes your choice in remodeler just as critical as the choices made for the bathroom remodel itself.

Functionality Should Always Come Before Aesthetics

Everyone dreams of a beautiful bathroom. It can be chic, classy, artsy, minimalist, rustic. The list of themes and aesthetics goes on and on. There’s nothing wrong with wanting your bathroom to look the part, but a bathroom can look absolutely stunning and yet be a total nightmare. A common mistake that people make is getting rid of their cabinets to create a minimalist layout and instantly regret not having room for their toiletries. So while they flawlessly executed their aesthetic vision, their remodel will be forever flawed. The lesson here is to always go with what’s practical first, and worry about looks second.

Remodel Your Bathroom With Zero Regrets When You Go With Revive Design and Renovation!

When you hire Revive Design and Renovation to take care of your bathroom remodel, you’re placing your trust in designers who know how to offer sound advice based on years of experience so you’re left without regret. Get the bathroom you always dreamed of starting with a consultation appointment! Learn everything you need to know including how to hire a contractor for a home to be cherished for ages.


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