How Do You Want To Feel At Home? 4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before A Whole-Home Remodel

Getting a whole home remodel without a plan is just asking for disaster. Even if you have an idea of what aesthetic you’re going for or which features you absolutely want, people often forget the most important aspect of a home: Comfort. Comfort is more than just adding some throw pillows to your couch. It’s about how you go about your daily life and how your home makes it all seamless. Ask yourself these questions before starting a whole home remodel with Revive Design and Renovation St. Petersburg:

1. “What Does My Daily Routine Look Like?”

You don’t want to feel like a stranger in your own home, but that’s what’ll happen when you go for a complete remodel that doesn’t align with your daily needs. Homeowners in St. Petersburg often get carried away with what’s new just for the sake of being current or trendy. But that won’t matter when you struggle with your routine because of impractical choices that favor looks over functionality.

Here’s an example:

You’ve always wanted a kitchen island, but your layout doesn’t allow enough space to fit one without it being obtrusive. You decide to get one anyway, but you soon realize that the corner of the island cuts into your kitchen work triangle and disrupts your flow.

For the next few days (or weeks), take note of what you do every single day and how you accomplish your daily tasks so you can structure your remodel around your way of living rather than trying to change your way of living around your new remodel.

2. “What Features Can I Add to Make My Daily Tasks Easier?”

Now you understand that the goal is to make your daily life at home much easier with your whole home remodel in St. Petersburg. This is the first step in choosing upgrades that are sure to enhance your routine, and the difference will be like night and day! If you have a crafting room, consider custom cabinets and LED lighting upgrades so you can store and organize your supplies like a pro with improved visibility. This can reduce clutter and minimize mistakes during your projects. Of course, this is just one example of many.

Do you lead an interesting life with unique hobbies? Then a custom home remodel may be worth it for a home that feels like home.

3. “Does My Current Home Accommodate My Special Needs?”

Some accommodations are more necessities than they are suggestions. If there are handicapped members in the household, you’ll need accessibility features for safety. If illnesses are prevalent in the family, a kosher kitchen can minimize germs to preserve health. Think about circumstances that make certain upgrades non-negotiable in your St. Petersburg whole home remodel for an upgrade that does more than wow you with looks!

Read more > 4 Considerations When Creating a Kosher Kitchen

4. “What Can I Change to Be More Comfortable and Relaxed?”

Your home is your safe space, a wonderful haven where you can kick back, take it all in, and just be yourself. Is there anything about your current home that’s stopping you from reaching your full potential as a cozy homebody? A whole home remodel is the perfect chance to add more comfort to your personal space in St. Petersburg. Do you strain your eyes every time the sunlight brightens your stark white walls? Try warmer tones that aren’t so blinding during the day. Do you always have tiresome feet? Swap out your floors for something softer.

Need inspiration? Check out our top home improvement tips for 2025!

Achieve Ultimate At-Home Comfort With a Whole-Home Remodel From Revive Design and Renovation!

Get personalized design tips when you reach out to our team at Revive Design and Renovation St. Petersburg for whole home remodel services near you! Start with a consultation and see how we can transform your home around you.


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